There are so many projects offered, it can be hard to narrow down your selections. As you choose projects, consider how much time you have to devote to project work. It’s better to do a few projects really well than choose a lot and not have time to complete them. Also keep in mind that to truly master a project it may take you more than a year. You may enroll in the same project multiple years. Consider enrolling in projects you are familiar with as well as exploring projects that are new to you. When choosing projects, a general guideline for members who are 7-8 years of age is to be involved in about three projects. Those who are 9 and older could choose 3-6 projects. Every young person is different, so work with your club leader and county 4-H staff to find the projects that are the best fit for you and the number of projects that are a good fit for you and your family.

how do i choose a project
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PROJECT BRIEFS: Many of the projects have project briefs available for free download. Project briefs are two-page overviews of a project to supplement project curriculum; they include activity and community service ideas, objectives, fair project ideas, and project resources. Project briefs are available with the other curriculum resources on the project web pages.