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Atchison County

Meat Goats

Image result for meat goats

Are You Into It ? 

In the meat goat project you can learn about breeds, health care, grooming, production, reproduction, management, showmanship, marketing, and careers! Learn about the fastest growing livestock project area in the country!

• Learn the basic principles of animal science by owning, caring for, and keeping records on one or more head of livestock
• Gain knowledge of sound breeding, feeding, and management practices
• Identify quality in wholesale and retail cuts of meat to understand the relationship to management principles

Here's What You Can Do All Year ! 

Meat Goat

Take Meat Goats further!

Here are other opportunities to explore Meat Goats:
• Contact your county KSU Extension office for other local workshops, activities, and events
• Tour a meat goat operation
• Attend a meat goat show or workshop
• Participate in a meat goat judging team
• Design a business plan to market goat meat directly to retailers, restaurants, or private customers
• Design a business card or marketing brochure for your farm or imaginary farm
• Write an educational article about some aspect of goat production for your newspaper
• Watch a vet do a c-section on a goat with pregnancy ketosis
• Write a children’s book called “My Visit to a Goat Farm”
• Research goat by-products
• Research other cultures that rely solely on goats for meat consumption
• Attend Animal Science Round-Up as part of the Kansas 4-H Youth Conference and participate in one of the livestock tracks, participate in the community service project, bringing ideas back to your community.
• Is it fair time? Consider showing in your County Fair meat goat show or the Kansas State Fair.
• Interested in a college education in animal science or veterinary medicine? Schedule a visit with Kansas State University to explore those majors. www.ksu.edu
• Participate in a meat goat fitting contest
• Develop a project income/expense sheet
• Build a kidding barrel
• Build a show box

4-H Grows Here

A Skilled I Learned...

Growing a Goat


KSU Project Page

Identification tags from the Extension Office will be installed at the designated weigh in/tagging.

Fair Resources

Aug 5  Morning  Schedule TBA

Large Animal Exhibit Card

Livestock Record for Beginning Members

Department L:  Dairy/Goats

Step It Up!

Pass it on! Now that you know how, share it with others. Here are ideas to get you started.


• Design a poster on parts of the animal
• Participate in a judging contest giving oral reasons
• Explain the cuts of meat and how to prepare them


• Volunteer a goat for a hall of breeds
• Hand out food samples at your local grocery store
• Volunteer to help at the county fair market goat weigh-in


• Invite other 4-H members to tour your farm
• Teach others how to safely handle goats
• Lead a meat goat selection and feeding clinic
• Secure sponsorship for goat related awards

Exhibit Ideas

  •  Participate in the 4-H meat goat show
    •  Breeding does
    •  Market goats
    •  Showmanship
    •  Rate of gain
  •  Consider an exhibit, notebook or display showing what you’ve learned in a meat goat-related topic
    •  Nutritive value of meat goats
    •  Meat cuts and proper preparation
    •  Feeding rations
    •  Preventative vaccinations
    •  Photos of different breeds
    •  Daily routine in caring for animals
    •  Grooming techniques
    •  Developing a breeding herd
    •  Build a kidding barrell
    •  Identification techniques
    •  Growth of the meat goat industry
    •  Build a show box
    •  Meat goat body parts
    •  Proper terminology when describing meat goats
    •  How to select and judge a meat goat
    •  Describe proper feed rations
    •  Learn goat terminology